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Our Government

LFUCG Council Districts Mayor Jim Gray Council Members at Large Vice Mayor: Linda Gorton Chuck Ellinger II Steve Kay Urban County Council Members District 1: Chris Ford District 2: Tom Blues District 3: Diane Lawless District 4: Julian Beard District 5: Bill Farmer, Jr. District 6: Kevin O. Stinnett District 7: K.C. Crosbie District 8:...

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We’re Moving!

We’re moving offices Wednesday, January 5th through Monday, January 9th. Our phones will be disconnected during the  move so if you need to contact the office please email, Charlene, Knox, or Kathleen. Our new offices are located at 603 W. Short St. Lexington, KY 40508. We are also looking bookshelves and a microwave for our...

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I Support The Fayette Alliance!

Join me today & double your impact. Right now, all gifts up to $50,000 will be matched dollar for dollar. Make your special year-end gift today & it will go twice as far to promote a sustainable Lexington for our entire community.