By Fayette Alliance / June 21, 2019 / Advocacy
Mayor Gorton’s Fiscal Year 2020 Proposed Budget was read for the second time at the Council meeting on Thursday evening, June 20, 2019, and is a difficult budget in light of the fact that Fayette County expenses are rising faster than its revenue. As such, Mayor Gorton has referred to this as a “continuation budget”,...
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By Fayette Alliance / December 11, 2018 / Advocacy
Fayette County is defined by the balance between our vibrant city and productive Bluegrass farmland. To manage our critical rural assets, the Rural Land Management Plan (RLMP) was adopted in 1999. The RLMP articulated the importance and unique value of our rural lands and set forth a plan to preserve, protect, and promote our agricultural...
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By Fayette Alliance / June 22, 2018 / Advocacy
For the first time since its inception, there is no funding for the Purchase of Development Rights program in the FY19 Budget adopted unanimously by the Council on June 21, 2018. The rationale is that there is a significant backlog in pending applications and sufficient funds available to process those applications, as well as new...
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By Fayette Alliance / May 15, 2018 / Advocacy
For the first time since its inception, the proposed FY19 budget does not include funding the Purchase of Development Rights Program. The PDR program was created in 1999 as part of a multi-faceted strategy to ensure the continued viability and strength of our unique rural assets. It is the cornerstone of our Rural Land Management...
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By Fayette Alliance / March 22, 2017 / Advocacy
Kentucky Thoroughbred Owners and Breeders, Fayette County Farm Bureau and Fayette Alliance ask Mayor to fully Fund PDR Program for Fiscal Year 2018 The Purchase of Development Rights Program (PDR) is the cornerstone of our Rural Land Management Plan. The program was created in 2000 with the goal of preserving 50,000 acres of land for...
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By Fayette Alliance / January 9, 2013 / Advocacy
Despite the passing of FY 2013 LFUCG City Budget, there are still plenty of pressing issues eating up the city's coffers...
By Fayette Alliance / January 18, 2012 / Advocacy
In January 2010 Knox Van Nagell wrote an op-ed that was published in the Lexington Herald Leader about the ways that PDR and urban infill could work together to help create a better Lexington for all of us.
By Fayette Alliance / July 1, 2011 / Advocacy
Ask your council member to support the $1 million local match for the PDR program and farmland preservation, both of which are critically important to Lexington-Fayette County and they must continue to be a major priority for our community.
By Fayette Alliance / January 19, 2011 / Advocacy
...farmland preservation and growth are not either/or propositions. They're essential partners in Lexington's quest for economic greatness, cultural attractiveness and environmental security in today's competitive and complex world.
By Fayette Alliance / July 1, 2010 / Advocacy
On Thursday, June 23rd Council adopted the FY 2011 Budget, which begins July 1, 2010. Council approved our request for continued funding of the PDR program, which is matched by $2 million from the federal government. However, Council did not approve funding for the research and implementation of downtown design guidelines and form-based codes, or...
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