Grow Smart Academy
Grow Smart Academy is a free, four-week program that educates participants about the importance of land-use planning and its relationship to economic development, the environment, and quality-of-life issues in our community.
Grow Smart Academy is a free, four-week program that educates participants about the importance of land-use planning and its relationship to economic development, the environment, and quality-of-life issues in our community.
At Politics & Pints, we’re encouraging Smart Growth Ambassadors to engage with like-minded individuals and learn about the candidates running for local office in Lexington-Fayette County while enjoying a pint or two of local craft beer at West Sixth Brewery. To get the conversation flowing, Fayette Alliance will provide one free drink ticket and dinner...
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Smart Growth Ambassadors Are you interested in learning about smart, sustainable growth? Do you have input on how our city uses our natural resources? Do you want Lexington to build more affordable homes in walkable neighborhoods with increased access to transportation options? If so, we hope you’ll consider joining our Smart Growth Ambassadors...
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We invite Citizens' Planning Academy alumni, plus guests and prospective Grow Smart Academy attendees, to join Fayette Alliance for an evening of conversation with local land-use experts, networking, and local issue discussion at our Grow Smart Academy 2.0 (formerly CPA 2.0) events.
August 8, 2023 The Urban Growth Management Plan Advisory Committee met for the first time today to begin planning for an expansion of Lexington’s historic Urban Services Boundary. This first meeting served as an introduction to the weeks ahead. The committee introduced themselves and reviewed their assignment and timeline. The 14-person committee is compromised of...
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The creation of the Lexington-Fayette County Urban Service Boundary in 1958 established a blueprint for growth in this area of the Bluegrass region. This initiative aimed to stop unchecked urban and suburban sprawl, manage infrastructure costs, and to maintain the thriving rural business and residential communities that make up the areas surrounding Lexington. Over the...
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The Urban Service Boundary protects what makes our part of Kentucky unique–the thriving city of Lexington and the lush countryside and farmlands that make up Fayette County. The boundary was established in 1958 to protect these spaces for current and future residents and businesses by increasing the development of urban spaces while allowing rural areas...
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Sustainable Lexington, one of the most visible results produced from the urban service boundary, exemplifies the unique character of the county and is one of the major draws for residents and tourists alike. This charm, this atmosphere—whatever you might call it—is centered on the natural environment around us and the abundance it produces for...
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All Lexingtonians know that our region is home to legendary farmland. Fayette County and the Bluegrass Region is world-renowned for its horse farms, thriving agricultural crops, and bourbon production. None of these remarkable features would be possible without the nationally significant, prime soils that underly our area’s farms. Importantly, this soil is a major...
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Running for: Council District 8 Question: What brought you to Lexington-Fayette County? What do you love about our community? Upon graduating from Georgetown College, I moved to Lexington to begin my professional career. I love the closeness of Lexington and I feel like it is a great place to raise a family. My wife and...
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