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Author: Fayette Alliance

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Election 2010

‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ The Fayette Alliance congratulates Mayor Elect Jim Gray, Vice Mayor Elect Linda Gorton, Councilman At-Large Chuck Ellinger, Councilman At-Large Elect Steve Kay, 1st District Councilman Elect Chris Ford, 5th District Councilman Elect Bill Farmer, 7th District Councilwoman K.C. Crosbie, and 10th District Councilman Doug...

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Alliance Growth Questionnaire Featured on BizLex.com

“Local Candidates Respond to Group’s Growth Questionnaire” BizLex.com Posted October 12, 2010 Lexington, KY – Candidates for Lexington Mayor and the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Council have responded to a questionnaire about growth and development in the Blue Grass region. “This is important, as the Mayor and Council establish Lexington’s planning and zoning policies—affecting the very...

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Legislation Encourages Bike Racks and Easy Access to Transit Stops

Heavy traffic and the worst carbon footprint per capita in America plague Lexington. However, new incentives that encourage developments to locate near transit stops and install bike racks offers a solution. The Fayette Alliance urges Council to adopt legislation that provides incentives, which encourages developments to locate near transit stops and install bike racks. The...

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Brownfields Grant Will Help With Future Development

The Fayette Alliance supports LFUCG’s grant application for federal funding to perform a countywide assessment of brownfields affected by non-petroleum hazardous substances. This $200,000 will help LFUCG develop an inventory and examine contaminated properties in the Northwest area of the city, including those along the Manchester Street corridor, the Newtown Pike corridor, and the Versailles...

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The Fayette Alliance Urges Southland Christian to be Creative in Redeveloping Lex Mall Site

Southland Christian Church is in the process of purchasing the abandoned 32-acre Lexington Mall site, and aims to build a satellite church campus on the property for $30 million. The mall is currently zoned “Business” B-6P, which allows church uses. Initial development plans include demolishing the one-story portion of the mall, and in its place...

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