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Darley Farm

HH SHEIKH MOHAMMED BIN RASHID AL MAKTOUM, RULER OF DUBAI, purchased Jonabell Farm in 2001 from the Bell Family. Jonabell, now Darley, is a little over 800 acres and home to Sheikh Mohammed’s US stallion operation. Sixteen stallions are standing the 2008 breeding season with such headliners as BERNARDINI, ELUSIVE QUALITY, STREET CRY and his...

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Walnut Lawn Farm

IN 1842, BOB JAMES’S GREAT-GREAT GRANDFATHER, JOHN GRAVES JAMES, purchased Walnut Lawn Farm, which lies along Military Pike in the southwest corner of Fayette County and has acreage in a portion of Jessamine County. Since then, Walnut Lawn Farm has been continuously farmed by the James Family. Bob is the fifth generation to live there...

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Winter Quarter Farm

WINTER QUARTER FARM purchased and established in 1948, is a 276 acre Thoroughbred operation moving into the 4th generation of same family management. The seed enterprise was old Duntreath Farm owned by Mrs. Silas B. Mason on land now occupied by Gardenside subdivision. One of the first broodmares moved here by grandmother Mason was MAID...

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Mahan Farms

MAHAN FARMS IS AN 850 ACRE GENERAL AGRICULTURE OPERATION located on Russell Cave Road in Northern Fayette County. Mahan Farms is characterized by fertile soils and rolling pastures, giving rise to beautiful landscapes and diverse agricultural enterprises. Mahan Farms raises tobacco, alfalfa hay, corn, soybean, and wheat. In addition, is home to a successful Bluegrass...

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Cobra Farm

Cobra Farm is owned by Gary and Betty Biszantz; they purchased the original 82 acre farm 12 years ago and now have 340 acres after buying two adjoining farms. This is a Thoroughbred operation that is home to approximately 80 horses and 20 employees year round. The Biszantz’s are from southern California and spend approximately...

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Castleton Lyons Farm

IN 1793, A VIRGINIAN BY THE NAME OF JOHN BRECKINRIDGE bought 2,467 acres of prime Kentucky farmland. He named the farm, which would later become known as Castleton, “Cabell’s Dale.” Breckinridge was a dedicated thoroughbred breeder who would himself go on to become a United States Senator and to serve as Attorney General in the...

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FY 2009 & FY 2010 Sanitary Sewer User Fee Increase

The Fayette Alliance supported a 48% increase in the sewer user fee for fiscal year 2009, and a 35% increase for fiscal year 2010. These measures will collectively generate an additional $24.6 million in the dedicated LFUCG sanitary sewer user fee fund. This money will directly pay for $130 million in badly needed infrastructure projects...

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Proposed LFUCG Water Quality Management Fee and Program

Once the Athens of the West, Lexington-Fayette County is now a place where people and livestock have tragically lost their lives in flooded streams; raw sewage and stormwater run-off pollute over 70% of our creeks—endangering fish, animals, and humans alike; and feces finds itself in household basements, neighborhood parks, and the scenic fields of world...

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Short-Term Rental Text Amendment

The Fayette Alliance supported text amendment to Article 1-11 of the Zoning Ordinance that would have changed the definitions of a dwelling unit and an extended stay hotel to limit the time period for rental of residential dwelling units—allowing home rentals on a monthly basis or for a period between one week and one month...

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LFUCG Equine Task Force Recommendations

In 2008, equine industry leaders participated in the LFUCG Equine Task Force and recommended ways in which local government can actively support the horse business—from lobbying state government to change KY tax law, to continuing funding of the PDR program. The Fayette Alliance strongly supports these policy initiatives. On December 9th, the LFUCG Budget &...

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