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Author: Fayette Alliance

LFUCG Government Center

Imagine Nicholasville Road Planning Commission Public Hearing

Imagine Nicholasville Road represents a transformative transit and development plan that was adopted into the 2018 Comprehensive Plan, Imagine Lexington after unanimous approval by the Planning Commission on May 20, 2021. It is the first analysis of a major corridor as recommended by the 2018 Comp Plan, and includes an action plan to guide utilization...

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Lexington Multi-Use Trails

Lexington is underserved in our number of multi-use trails (which include dedicated bike and pedestrian trails) currently available. Fayette Alliance’s suggestions for Quality of Life investments for Lexington are part of our 2017 GrowSmart project by Lord Aeck Sargent. This includes potential connections of bicycle routes to create a more functional system. These projects have...

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Fayette Alliance Celebrates 15 Years of Service

ayette Alliance, a Lexington land use non-profit, is proud to celebrate its 15th year advocating for sustainable growth in Lexington-Fayette County. Founded May 2, 2006 to address community issues like urban sprawl, a need for focused infill and redevelopment, overflowing sewers, and the protection of our productive rural farmland, Fayette Alliance continues to promote smart growth through advocacy, education, and research. 

Grow Smart Neighborhood Header

Grow Smart in Your Neighborhood!

What does Smart Growth mean? What does it look like in your neighborhood? Join Fayette Alliance for a discussion on how growing Lexington in a sustainable and equitable way makes an impact on our everyday lives. We know that updating our city’s policies on how we use our land can change lives for the better,...

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Lexington EPA Consent Decree Progress

In 2006, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Commonwealth of Kentucky filed a lawsuit against Lexington for violations of the Clean Water Act. Age, changing regulations and equipment failures related to deferred maintenance created an assortment of operational problems, but the end result of those problems has been that during significant rainfall, we had...

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Fayette Alliance Blog Cover

LFUCG’s Sustainable Growth Study

January 2022 Update Lexington’s Sustainable Growth Study, which gives Lexington residents and City Hall transparent, objective data on which we can base our future land use decisions has been approved by the Planning Commission to moved forward to the Planning and Public Safety Committee of the Urban-County Council. The commission recommended adopting the study as part of the...

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Old Frankfort Pike Designated a National Scenic Byway

On January 19, 2021, the U.S. Department of Transportation approved the 2021 designations to America’s Byways®. The Old Frankfort Pike Historic and Scenic Byway has been designated as a National Scenic Byway and will officially join the collection of America’s Byways®. In 2020, 63 nomination applications were submitted. Forty-nine byways in 28 states were designated,...

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Coldstream Master Plan

In 2018, UK and the city of Lexington participated in a historic land swap. The University of Kentucky traded 250 acres in and near the university’s Coldstream Research Campus in exchange for the city turning over control to UK of several important roads in and around campus. Of the 250 acres, 50 are “shovel-ready”. Another...

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Rural Internet Update: 2021

Rural internet access has always been one of the top issues for the 12th District. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the issue has intensified due to the dependency on internet services for work, school, and personal needs. Lt. Governor Jacqueline Coleman has begun a broadband initiative to bring together public and private partners to expand...

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