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Tag: Rural

It’s Not Farms vs. Factories

"Since farmland within the county is a finite resource, sooner or later we will have to stop using it for development. The argument for the “need” for land for industrial development will be the same no matter how much farmland we have, including none." | Photo by Jeff Rogers |

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Urban Sprawl’s Effect on Farmland

Despite the economic, environmental, and cultural significance of our precious Fayette County farmland…we are losing it at an alarming rate. In 2005 the Inner Bluegrass Region, including Fayette County, was placed on the World Monuments Fund’s list of one of the one hundred most endangered cultural landscapes in the world…because of our alarming loss of...

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Farmland Spared from R.V. Park

On Friday, the Board of Adjustment unanimously denied a permit to allow a 444 space R.V. park on 91 acres of prime Bluegrass farmland in Northern Fayette County. The board denied the permit because they were concerned with the long-term impacts of an R.V. park in the rural area, the ability to environmentally restore the...

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Recreational Vehicles… A New Crop?

Update: Farmland Spared from RV Park We need your help! This afternoon, LFUCG’s Board of Adjustment will decide whether to grant a permit that would allow a temporary R.V. park on a 91-acre farm in Northern Fayette County. We’re opposing this development because it undermines our local land use laws, threatens our Bluegrass farmland and...

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Council Funds Farmland Preservation

But Design Guidelines and Infill Redevelopment Programs not Included in Budget Over the last few weeks we’ve asked you to join us in telling Council to support funding for farmland preservation, design guidelines, and infill redevelopment initiatives which make our community better by protecting our environment, our local economy, and what makes Lexington-Fayette County special to you....

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