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It’s Not Farms vs. Factories

"Since farmland within the county is a finite resource, sooner or later we will have to stop using it for development. The argument for the “need” for land for industrial development will be the same no matter how much farmland we have, including none." | Photo by Jeff Rogers |

Serving on LFUCG Affordable Housing Trust Fund TaskForce

The Fayette Alliance is serving on the LFUCG Affordable Housing Trust Fund Taskforce to examine funding mechanisms, economic impacts, and program parameters for a potential affordable housing trust fund. Members of the Homebuilders Association, affordable housing, and faith-based groups are also participating on the committee. To learn more about affordable housing trust funds, click here....

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Alliance Participates in Carbon Footprint Reduction Study

The Fayette Alliance is serving on the Natural Land, Food, & Agriculture Sub-Team of LFUCG Carbon Footprint Reduction study. This group is looking at how our local food, agricultural, and land-use systems can be improved to lower Lexington’s carbon foot print problem. To learn more about Lexington’s carbon footprint issues, click here. This report will...

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