By Fayette Alliance / February 6, 2012 / Advocacy
We must focus on the details, and create a world-class urban environment that, according to expert economist Rebecca Ryan, brings out “creativity in each one of us.” | Photo by Jeff Rogers |
By Fayette Alliance / January 18, 2012 / Advocacy
In January 2010 Knox Van Nagell wrote an op-ed that was published in the Lexington Herald Leader about the ways that PDR and urban infill could work together to help create a better Lexington for all of us.
By Fayette Alliance / January 6, 2012 / Advocacy
Downtown Lexington has the potential to become one of the truly unique,human-scale, and vibrant urban areas in America.
By Fayette Alliance / October 6, 2011 / Advocacy
The Fayette Alliance appreciates Mr. Krikorian's efforts to make this innovative development project happen. We'll keep you posted of all progress.
By Fayette Alliance / January 7, 2011 / Advocacy
"We encourage not only farm preservation, but responsible and imaginative development throughout Fayette County," said Knox van Nagell, executive director of the Fayette Alliance.
By Fayette Alliance / October 1, 2010 / Advocacy
The Fayette Alliance supports LFUCG’s grant application for federal funding to perform a countywide assessment of brownfields affected by non-petroleum hazardous substances. This $200,000 will help LFUCG develop an inventory and examine contaminated properties in the Northwest area of the city, including those along the Manchester Street corridor, the Newtown Pike corridor, and the Versailles...
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By Fayette Alliance / September 10, 2010 / Advocacy
Southland Christian Church is in the process of purchasing the abandoned 32-acre Lexington Mall site, and aims to build a satellite church campus on the property for $30 million. The mall is currently zoned “Business” B-6P, which allows church uses. Initial development plans include demolishing the one-story portion of the mall, and in its place...
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By Fayette Alliance / February 24, 2010 / Advocacy
On January 14th, LFUCG Council approved the Red Mile zone change application–requesting Mixed-Use Community (MU-3) zoning for 67 acres located at 780, 790, and 1200 Red Mile Road. The Planning Commission also unanimously approved the Red Mile preliminary development plan. This zone change will lead to a $170 million mixed-used entertainment infill project at the...
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By Fayette Alliance / September 1, 2009 / Education
On July 7th 2009, LFUCG formally adopted an ordinance establishing a vacant land commission and tax for abandoned urban property. Such a measure lays the framework for facilitating the redevelopment of vacant or blighted property throughout the city of Lexington. Click here to learn more. As demonstrated by the city of Louisville, The Fayette Alliance...
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By Fayette Alliance / June 29, 2009 / Advocacy