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Alliance Growth Questionnaire Featured on

“Local Candidates Respond to Group’s Growth Questionnaire” Posted October 12, 2010 Lexington, KY – Candidates for Lexington Mayor and the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Council have responded to a questionnaire about growth and development in the Blue Grass region. “This is important, as the Mayor and Council establish Lexington’s planning and zoning policies—affecting the very...

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Legislation Encourages Bike Racks and Easy Access to Transit Stops

Heavy traffic and the worst carbon footprint per capita in America plague Lexington. However, new incentives that encourage developments to locate near transit stops and install bike racks offers a solution. The Fayette Alliance urges Council to adopt legislation that provides incentives, which encourages developments to locate near transit stops and install bike racks. The...

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Brownfields Grant Will Help With Future Development

The Fayette Alliance supports LFUCG’s grant application for federal funding to perform a countywide assessment of brownfields affected by non-petroleum hazardous substances. This $200,000 will help LFUCG develop an inventory and examine contaminated properties in the Northwest area of the city, including those along the Manchester Street corridor, the Newtown Pike corridor, and the Versailles...

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The Fayette Alliance Urges Southland Christian to be Creative in Redeveloping Lex Mall Site

Southland Christian Church is in the process of purchasing the abandoned 32-acre Lexington Mall site, and aims to build a satellite church campus on the property for $30 million. The mall is currently zoned “Business” B-6P, which allows church uses. Initial development plans include demolishing the one-story portion of the mall, and in its place...

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What Should Our Downtown Look Like?

Knox van Nagell, Executive Director of The Fayette Alliance, has been appointed to the recently established LFUCG Downtown Design Guidelines and Form Based Codes Taskforce. This diverse taskforce will discuss and make recommendations on how we can create a downtown that we can all enjoy and be proud of. Council will then consider the group’s...

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Farmland Spared from R.V. Park

On Friday, the Board of Adjustment unanimously denied a permit to allow a 444 space R.V. park on 91 acres of prime Bluegrass farmland in Northern Fayette County. The board denied the permit because they were concerned with the long-term impacts of an R.V. park in the rural area, the ability to environmentally restore the...

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Update on Angliana Project

“State approves financing for Angliana project” By Scott Sloan, posted July 29, 2010 Excerpt from The state on Thursday gave approval for final negotiations to start on making infrastructure improvements at a proposed development on Angliana Avenue in Lexington. The Kentucky Economic Development Finance Authority in Frankfort gave the nod to allow the state...

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Recreational Vehicles… A New Crop?

Update: Farmland Spared from RV Park We need your help! This afternoon, LFUCG’s Board of Adjustment will decide whether to grant a permit that would allow a temporary R.V. park on a 91-acre farm in Northern Fayette County. We’re opposing this development because it undermines our local land use laws, threatens our Bluegrass farmland and...

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The Fayette Alliance’s FY 2011 Budget Request

On Thursday, June 23rd Council adopted the FY 2011 Budget, which begins July 1, 2010. Council approved our request for continued funding of the PDR program, which is matched by $2 million from the federal government. However, Council did not approve funding for the research and implementation of downtown design guidelines and form-based codes, or...

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Council Funds Farmland Preservation

But Design Guidelines and Infill Redevelopment Programs not Included in Budget Over the last few weeks we’ve asked you to join us in telling Council to support funding for farmland preservation, design guidelines, and infill redevelopment initiatives which make our community better by protecting our environment, our local economy, and what makes Lexington-Fayette County special to you....

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