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Category: Advocacy

Row Crops, Food Security, & Biofuel

Although row crops are one of the smaller agricultural industries in Fayette County, they are still vital to Lexington’s farm economy. There are 46.5 square miles of harvested cropland in Fayette Co. accounting for 16.45% of the county. In 2008, crop receipts in Fayette County totaled $14.4 million, a significant number coming from such a...

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Households & Lifestyles

The average household in Lexington has shifted more towards young adults and small units. Our demographics are changing in Lexington. 72% of all new residents in Lexington are singles and childless couples under the age of 30. And, on average, only 2.3 persons live in Fayette County households. In fact, in 2010, nearly 75% of...

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Capacity & The Need for an Innovative Growth Strategy

Lexington is a growing city with a changing demographic. Best estimates say that an additional 60,000 people will call Lexington home by 2030. One of the central questions facing our community is not if we grow, but how we grow—and can we do it in a way that positions our built, natural, and social environments...

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Fayette Alliance Blog Cover

Affordable Housing

There is a shortage of affordable housing in Lexington. According to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, the cost of an “affordable” home—including taxes, maintenance and other costs—should not exceed 30% of a household’s monthly income. This is particularly alarming since 18.1% of all renter households in Lexington spend more than 50% of...

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Fayette Alliance Blog Cover

Urban Sprawl’s Effect on Farmland

Despite the economic, environmental, and cultural significance of our precious Fayette County farmland…we are losing it at an alarming rate. In 2005 the Inner Bluegrass Region, including Fayette County, was placed on the World Monuments Fund’s list of one of the one hundred most endangered cultural landscapes in the world…because of our alarming loss of...

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Legislation Encourages Bike Racks and Easy Access to Transit Stops

Heavy traffic and the worst carbon footprint per capita in America plague Lexington. However, new incentives that encourage developments to locate near transit stops and install bike racks offers a solution. The Fayette Alliance urges Council to adopt legislation that provides incentives, which encourages developments to locate near transit stops and install bike racks. The...

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Brownfields Grant Will Help With Future Development

The Fayette Alliance supports LFUCG’s grant application for federal funding to perform a countywide assessment of brownfields affected by non-petroleum hazardous substances. This $200,000 will help LFUCG develop an inventory and examine contaminated properties in the Northwest area of the city, including those along the Manchester Street corridor, the Newtown Pike corridor, and the Versailles...

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