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Category: Advocacy

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2014 House Bill 282: Expanding Mixed-Use Development

House Bill 282 did not make it out of committee during the 2014 legislative session. However, it General Assembly might take it back up in the 2015 session. We’ll keep you updated of any new developments here at fayettealliance.com The Kentucky State Legislature is currently considering House Bill 282, which will expand the scope of...

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Status of Lexington’s Tree Canopy

  On February 20, 2014 LUFCG released its Urban Tree Canopy Assessment. It shows that our current tree canopy covers 24.56% of Lexington’s urban core. This number has increased 5% over the last 18 years. Data analysis shows that the existing urban tree canopy provides an estimated $30.6 million in savings to our community. Despite...

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At Last, A Plan for Design Excellence

Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of the Design excellence ZOTA. Now it, along with infill incentives, will go to the Planning Committee of Council for review and discussion. Council to review zoning change that outlines design district in downtown Lexington by Beth Musgrave, 01.14.14, Kentucky.com The Urban County Council could add incentives to encourage more...

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