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Category: Advocacy

Fayette Alliance Blog Cover

The Final Step- We Need Your Voice!

The journey to update the Comprehensive Plan for Lexington-Fayette County is not over yet. Your voice is more important than ever!  The Planning Commission approved Goals & Objectives for the 2018 update, including no expansion of the Urban Services Boundary or the Rural Activity Centers. This was a huge victory, however it was just the first step....

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Fayette Alliance Blog Cover

Success with Planning Commission and Next Steps

As you may have heard, a majority of Planning Commission members voted for no expansion of the Urban Services Boundary!! This is a critical first step in the process and would not have happened without your support and action. Thank you all so much! The vote was 7-4. The 7 Commissioners who voted for no...

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Fayette Alliance Blog Cover

Op-Ed: Planning Lexington’s future — make your voice count

This Op-Ed was originally published in the Lexington Herald Leader on August 26, 2017. Every five years Lexington updates its Comprehensive Plan, which provides the blueprint for how and where our community grows. The first step in the process for the 2018 plan is for the Planning Commission to vote on the overarching goals and objectives that...

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Fayette Alliance Blog Cover

Fayette Alliance Supports Creation of the Public Infrastructure Program

Infill and Redevelopment is considered smart, fiscally responsible and sustainable for many reasons.  According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, infill and redevelopment conserves resources by reinvesting in existing infrastructure and rehabilitating historic buildings; promotes walkable neighborhoods that are near necessities and amenities, thereby making multi-modal transportation options more feasible; promotes a diversity of...

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Fayette Alliance Blog Cover

Fayette Alliance Supports Proposed Text Amendment to Coldstream’s Zoning

The University of Kentucky’s Coldstream Research Park is comprised of 735 acres, and the only parcel in Fayette County zoned P-2.  The P-2 Zone is intended to be a “jobs creation” zone.  Currently fifty-six organizations in biotech, pharmaceutical, equine health, and other industries are located at Coldstream, employing over 2,250 people.  Coldstream estimates that in...

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Fayette Alliance Blog Cover

We Support Fully Funding the PDR Program

Kentucky Thoroughbred Owners and Breeders, Fayette County Farm Bureau and Fayette Alliance ask Mayor to fully Fund PDR Program for Fiscal Year 2018 The Purchase of Development Rights Program (PDR) is the cornerstone of our Rural Land Management Plan.  The program was created in 2000 with the goal of preserving 50,000 acres of land for...

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Fayette Alliance Blog Cover

We Support Increasing the Funding for the Affordable Housing Trust Fund

Fayette Alliance joins resolution asking Mayor Gray and the Council to double annual funding to the Affordable Housing Trust Fund The Affordable Housing Trust Fund has made a good start since being created in 2014. Under Rick McQuady’s leadership, the Fund is making steady progress on providing safe affordable housing for working families. However, continued...

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