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Planning Commission Elements & Implementation Phase Two Work Session Timeline

During Phase 2, the specific implementation items necessary to accomplish the overarching 2018 Goals and Objectives will be drafted and ultimately adopted by the Planning Commission. Phase 2 gets down into the details and is expected to last through the end of 2018.

Planning Commission work sessions are open to the public and are typically located on the 3rd floor Training Room of the Phoenix Building. If you have a question about the location of the work session, stop by the security desk when you enter the building to verify its location.

Elements & Implementation Work Session Timeline:

March 15, 1:30 PM: Growing Successful Neighborhoods

March 29, 1:30 PM: Growing Successful Neighborhoods

April 19, 1:30 PM: Protecting the Environment

May 17, 1:30 PM: Improving a Desirable Community

June 14, 1:30 PM: Improving a Desirable Community

June 21, 1:30 PM: Creating Jobs & Prosperity

July 19, 1:30 PM: Maintaining a Balance between Planning for Urban Uses and Safeguarding Rural Land

August 16, 1:30 PM: Criteria & Implementation

August 30, 1:30 PM: Criteria & Implementation

September: Public Input

November: Public Hearing