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Incentive Grants to Improve Water Quality Available for Lexington Businesses, Neighborhood Organizations & Others

The Fayette Alliance proudly served on the Steering Committee that drafted the incentive grant program–along with members of the development, neighborhood, and commercial property sectors. “Mayor announces incentive grants for water quality projects” Press Release by Live Green Lexington, LFUCG Department of Environmental Quality Lexington businesses, churches, apartment complexes and neighborhood organizations are eligible for incentive...

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Council Approves Red Mile Zone Change

On January 14th, LFUCG Council approved the Red Mile zone change application–requesting Mixed-Use Community (MU-3) zoning for 67 acres located at 780, 790, and 1200 Red Mile Road. The Planning Commission also unanimously approved the Red Mile preliminary development plan. This zone change will lead to a $170 million mixed-used entertainment infill project at the...

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Council Approves Green Infrastructure in Local Subdivision Regulations

The Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of text amendment (SRA-2009-4) to our local subdivision regulations and LFUCG Council approved the text amendment 6-0.  This text amendment will allow the use of low-impact / green water quality measures to minimize the environmental impacts of land development. To use these alternative water quality measures, the applicant must...

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Brighter Day

This is our new promotional video and The Fayette Alliance’s first ad to be aired on cable television.  Tell us what you think!

Lexington-Fayette County Make Progress on Sewers

The Fayette Alliance is dedicated to securing adequate infrastructure in Fayette County--this is a key component to promoting responsible and sustainable growth. To learn more about our work to improve our sanitary sewer and storm water systems, please view our position statements on the Proposed LFUCG Water Quality Management Fee & Program, FY 2009 & FY 2010 Sanitary Sewer User Fee Increase.

Fayette County Named Among Nation’s Finest in Farmland Preservation

Since it’s inception, The Fayette Alliance has strongly supported the efforts of LFUCG Purchase of Development Right program. View the Alliance’s Position Statements for Fiscal Year 2009 and Fiscal Year 2010. We congratulate the PDR program on a job well done in preserving our irreplaceable Bluegrass landscape. Preservation recognition Excerpt from www.Kentucky.com, Opinion Editorial, posted...

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Transportation America’s 2009 Report on Kentucky

Lexington’s peak travelers experienced 38 annual hours of delay in 2005, while they only experienced 18 annual hours of delay in 1995. Kentuckians produce 8 metric tons of CO2 from transportation per capita, while the national average is only 6.9 metric tons. However, bus ridership in Lexington is up 11.5% from 2007-2008. Read more facts...

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