Expansion Public Input Session
The Lexington-Fayette Urban County Council recently mandated an unprecedented expansion of Lexington’s historic Urban Services Boundary by between 2,700-5,000 acres.
The Urban Growth Management Advisory Committee has spent the last four weeks discussing where they believe Lexington should grow and has identified seven different areas for potential expansion.
The committee is now requesting community feedback at an upcoming Public Input Session.

Join the Fayette Alliance on Tues., Sept. 12 at 6 p.m. in Council Chambers to learn more and request that the Urban Services Boundary be expanded by no more than 2,700 acres, the minimum amount required by Council.
Expanding by the minimum required acreage will help preserve Lexington’s agricultural heritage while focusing on infill and redevelopment within our urban core.
The community has still not been provided with how much this expansion will cost taxpayers, updated information on housing supply and demand, or how much land we actually need to meet our community’s needs. Despite this missing information, we’re being asked to make decisions with long-lasting impact.
If you can’t attend the meeting, consider emailing the committee at imagine@lexingtonky.gov.