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Category: Advocacy

Fayette Alliance Blog Cover

Faster, More Reliable Internet May Be Coming To Rural Fayette County

As installation of a fiber-optic network inside Lexington’s city limits gets underway, there may be hope for better internet access on the horizon for rural Fayette County as well. In today’s environment, access to high-speed, reliable internet is critical to education, business, and daily life. The internet has become as important as any other kind...

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LFUCG Government Center

Phase Two of 2018 Update to Comprehensive Plan Underway

Every five years, the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government updates the city’s Comprehensive Plan, which provides the blueprint for how our city grows. The first phase of the Comprehensive Plan update is adoption of the overarching Goals and Objectives that will provide the framework for Lexington’s growth strategy. Phase 1 was completed in November with Council’s...

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Fayette Alliance Blog Cover

Rural Land Management Plan Updated for First Time Since Adoption

Fayette County is defined by the balance between our vibrant city and productive Bluegrass farmland. To manage our critical rural assets, the Rural Land Management Plan was adopted in 1999 as an element of the 1996 Comprehensive Plan. This groundbreaking document was the first extensive effort dedicated to the management of land uses in Fayette...

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Fayette Alliance Blog Cover

Fayette Alliance Supports B-6P ZOTA

As part of the 2018 Comprehensive Plan update, the Fayette Alliance commissioned nationally-recognized firm Lord Aeck Sargent to assess and analyze properties within the Urban Services Boundary and to identify underutilized properties that could be potential future development and redevelopment opportunities. Among other findings, this landmark study found that there are over 9,000 non-residentially zoned...

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Fayette Alliance Blog Cover

Rural Land Management Plan Update Approved by Planning Commission

Thursday, the Planning Commission adopted the update to the Rural Land Management Plan. This landmark document was first created and adopted in 1999 to manage our invaluable rural assets. No significant policy changes were included in the update. Work by Long Range Planning to update the 1999 Rural Land Management Plan has been ongoing since...

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Fayette Alliance Blog Cover

Council Votes to Maintain Urban Services Boundary

The final vote by the Council on the Goals & Objectives took place last evening. I am very happy to report that the Council unanimously voted to approve the Planning Commission’s Goals & Objectives, including no expansion of the Urban Services Boundary! Despite the previous attempt by seven Councilmembers on November 7th to approve an...

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LFUCG Government Center

As Vote Nears, Contact Council!

The journey to update the Comprehensive Plan for Lexington-Fayette County is not over yet. Your voice is more important than ever!  We are close to the adoption of the Goal & Objectives for the 2018 Comprehensive Plan update–but we’re not there yet, and we need your help. This is a long and confusing process, but it’s...

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