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Author: Fayette Alliance

Fayette Alliance Blog Cover

Legacy Trail Plans Will Be Discussed Open House

Legacy Trail Open House Tuesday, August 25th at 7 pm Lyric Theatre 300 East Third St. Fayette County: Discuss Legacy Trail plans at open house Staff Report, 8.24.15, Kentucky.com The preliminary plans for the next phase of the Legacy Trail are complete and the public is invited to attend an open house at 7 p.m....

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LFUCG Government Center

Thistle Station TIF

Fayette Alliance believes that Lexington-Fayette County can become the model for sustainable growth, by connecting and balancing its vibrant city with its unique and productive Bluegrass farmland. In furtherance of our mission to grow our city and promote our farms, we support Tax Increment Financing for the Thistle Station development, located on a 3.9-acre parcel at...

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Fayette Alliance Blog Cover

LFUCG Federal TIGER Grant Application

Fayette Alliance supports LFUCG’s Federal TIGER grant application for the Town Branch Linear Park, as this project is an important step in sustainably growing our city and promoting our farms in Lexington. If secured, the $13,180,620 federal grant will combine with $10,970,000 in budgeted, local matching funds to finance $24,150,620 in transportation infrastructure for Town...

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Fayette Alliance Blog Cover

Two-Way Streets

Currently this issue is in the Planning Committee of the Council, and we hope that the Committee will move it forward to the full Council for consideration and approval in June 2015. Beginning in 2012, Stantec Engineering spearheaded the effort to  assess the impacts of converting downtown’s “one-way” streets to “two-way” arterials. Using traffic studies,...

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Fayette Alliance Blog Cover

Fayette Alliance Sponsors Art for Oliver Lewis Way Bridge

Through our community grants program, Fayette Alliance is contributing $1,000 to the transformative public art project for the Oliver Lewis Way bridge. Christopher Weed’s art installation “Origins” will be unveiled during Breeder’s Cup, and will be a catalytic investment for urban infill occurring in the Manchester Street area of downtown. We are proud to join...

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Fayette Alliance Blog Cover

Cardinal Valley and Armstrong Mill Small Area Plans

  On April 30th, the Planning Commission approved both small area plans as amendments to the 2013 Comp Plan.  LFUCG Urban County Council will vote to determine funding for the implementation projects.  What are small area plans?  Small area plans are high-level planning documents that address challenges and opportunities facing certain neighborhoods. Once adopted, they inform...

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Fayette Alliance Blog Cover

Sewer Fee Increase

On Tuesday, March 17, 2015 LFUCG Urban County Council voted to approve the proposed sewer fee increase for FY 2016 & FY 2017. While no one wants a sewer fee increase, we applaud council on taking responsible to action to ensure we have the funds to cover the estimated $700 million it will take to...

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Fayette Alliance Blog Cover

ZOTA 2015-4 Promotes Flexible and Efficient Mixed-Use Design

The ZOTA text was recommended for approval in late February of 2015, following a few revisions to the text that clarified ambiguities. View the revised text here. Council gave 1st reading to the Bayer ZOTA on Apr 16 and anticipates 2ndreading on Apr 30. We will keep you apprised of any updates here at fayettealliance.com....

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Fayette Alliance Blog Cover

Fayette Alliance Supports HB 298

We support appropriating state bonds to fund a new research facility at the University of Kentucky. In furtherance of our mission to grow our city and promote our farms, Fayette Alliance strongly supports House Bill 298. If adopted, this legislation will authorize the appropriation of bonds to construct a $135 million research facility at the...

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