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Council Approves Green Infrastructure in Local Subdivision Regulations

Bridge Debris

Bridge Debris From Trash

The Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of text amendment (SRA-2009-4) to our local subdivision regulations and LFUCG Council approved the text amendment 6-0.  This text amendment will allow the use of low-impact / green water quality measures to minimize the environmental impacts of land development.

To use these alternative water quality measures, the applicant must submit a written report to the Planning Commission outlining the environmental benefits of the proposed design. Further, the proposal’s design must be consistent with EPA guidelines, and must be prepared by a certified engineer with the state of KY. Lastly, Planning Commission must seek input from the LFUCG Department of Environmental Quality before taking action.



The Fayette Alliance believes the amendment is a progressive and accountable tool that, if used by the community, can drastically improve our natural waterways and our development practices—a much needed opportunity, considering Lexington-Fayette County is a place where people and livestock have tragically lost their lives in flooded streams; raw sewage and stormwater run-off pollute over 70% of our creeks; and feces finds itself in household basements, neighborhood parks, and the scenic fields of world famous farms.

In furtherance of the EPA consent decree and the remediation of our compromised water quality systems, The Fayette Alliance strongly endorses this text amendment. Please view here for our official position statement.