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Comprehensive Plan Process and the Urban Service Boundary

The Planning Commission recently reviewed and updated the 2001 Comprehensive Plan. This process occurs every five years. The Comprehensive Plan is a general, long-range document that assigns various land uses to property located throughout Fayette County. In essence, the Comprehensive Plan is a template for future zone changes and designations.

Among other sources of information, the Planning Commission considers the content of past Comprehensive Plans and public comment in drafting the new Comprehensive Plan.

One of the primary issues that faced the Planning Commission during the 2006 Comprehensive Plan was whether to expand the Urban Service Area. All land within the urban service area is designated for industrial, commercial, and residential development. Most property outside of the Urban Service Area (the Rural Service Area) is designated for agricultural use only.

During the 2006 update, the Planning Commission considered land proposals from private citizens requesting inclusion in the Urban Service Area. The subject land of these proposals was located in the rural areas of Fayette County- outside of the current Urban Service Boundary.

The Fayette Alliance opposed these proposals and any expansion of the Urban Service Area at this time because of our defunct infrastructure, the importance of our agricultural enterprises in Fayette County, the amount of vacant land within the current urban service area, and the need to revitalize our urban areas using innovative develpment practices. In light of the current facts, the Fayette Alliance believes that the Planning Commission should hold the line on expanding the Urban Service Area, and accomodate future growth using infill and re-development while creating affordable housing opportunities.

Indeed, the 2006 Comprehensive Plan and the question of urban expansion was essential to the future of Lexington-Fayette County.

Ultimately, after months of public hearings, the Planning Commission made the courageous decision not to expand the Urban Services Boundary at this time.

To learn more about the 2006 Comprehensive Plan, please explore the links below.

Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government Information

Overview of the 2006 Comprehensive Plan

The Division of Planning

The 2006 Comprehensive Plan Meeting and Topic Schedule

The Fayette Alliance’s Presentations to the LFUCG Planning Commission

07/20/06 – Urban Service Boundary Expansion
06/29/06 – Urban Service Boundary Criteria for Expansion
06/12/06 – Rural Activity Centers, Kingston Hall