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Planning Staff Recommends No Expansion of the Urban Services Boundary

Contact Planning Commission to Share Your Voice

We are very pleased to report that today, the City’s Planning Staff presented recommendations on the Comprehensive Plan update that include no expansion of the Urban Services Boundary! We still have a long way to go in the process, but this is a critical first step.

The next step is for the Planning Commission to consider the Staff’s recommendations and make any changes they wish. It is so important that the Planning Commission hear directly from you!

Make your voice heard by sending an email to attn: Chris Woodall, Manager of Long Range Planning. Suggested email:

Thank you for your innovative vision for our City. I support the Planning Staff’s recommendation to not expand the Urban Services Boundary. Our city needs a comprehensive, city-wide, long-range growth strategy that focuses on responsible and intentional infill and redevelopment of underutilized and blighted properties. Please deliver this letter to the Planning Commission.

The Planning Commission will meet throughout the summer to review all the recommendations from the Planning Staff. Your opportunity to speak directly to the Planning Commission is at the Public Hearing currently scheduled for August 31, 2017 at 1:30 PM. We anticipate the Planning Commission will vote on August 31, and then send their recommended Goals & Objectives to the City Council where they will ultimately be adopted. The dates are subject to change, and we will keep you posted.

While it’s important to make your voice heard at the public hearing, don’t wait until then! Send the above email today!

UrbanServiceBoundaryMapEvery five years, the City updates its Comprehensive Plan, which is the blueprint for how our city grows. The updated Plan will be adopted in 2018, and the process is in full gear. The first step is for the Planning Commission to vote on a set of recommended Goals & Objectives to send to the City Council for ultimate adoption.

The major issue in every Comp Plan update is whether to expand the Urban Services Boundary, which is a growth boundary that limits sprawl into our signature farmland.

We have plenty of room to grow. The Fayette Alliance has and will continue to work tirelessly to advocate against expansion. As Lexington evolves into a dynamic, vibrant city, it’s more important than ever that we continue to “grow smart” by striking a balance between innovative development and the protection of our irreplaceable, productive Bluegrass farmland.

We applaud the Planning Staff and thank them for their innovative vision for our City! To learn more about this critical issue click the button below:

Read Planning Staff’s Drafted Recommendations

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