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Phase Two of 2018 Update to Comprehensive Plan Underway

Every five years, the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government updates the city’s Comprehensive Plan, which provides the blueprint for how our city grows.

The first phase of the Comprehensive Plan update is adoption of the overarching Goals and Objectives that will provide the framework for Lexington’s growth strategy. Phase 1 was completed in November with Council’s adoption of the 2018 Goals and Objectives.

View 2018 Goals & Objectives

Fayette Alliance worked diligently to urge our leaders to do the right thing to protect the critical balance between our vibrant city and our productive Bluegrass farmland. We are happy to report that the 2018 Goals and Objectives include a goal NOT to expand the Urban Services Boundary. This decision lays the groundwork for our community to continue to grow in a smart, balanced way.

During Phase 2, the specific implementation items necessary to accomplish the overarching Goals and Objectives will be drafted and ultimately adopted by the Planning Commission. Phase 2 gets down into the details and is expected to last through the end of 2018.

View Phase 2 Timeline

Throughout the Comp Plan update process thus far, the staff of the city’s Planning Division has undertaken unprecedented efforts to engage citizens and gather input, comments, and ideas. Staff continues these efforts in Phase 2 by meeting with diverse groups and individuals with expertise in the different theme areas of the Goals and Objectives.

Fayette Alliance served as an expert on the theme of “Protecting the Environment” where we discussed the importance of protecting our most precious natural resource—the prime soils that comprise nearly 90% of our Rural Service Area. These soils are the factory floor of Fayette County’s agricultural industries, which support 1 in 12 jobs in our community and contribute $2.3 billion in annual economic activity.

Fayette Alliance continues to be centrally involved and will keep you up-to-date on Phase 2 of the process and opportunities for you to share your comments.