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Housing Market Study Affirms Lexington’s Need for Innovative Growth Model

New growth Model

Excerpt from, posted Oct. 25, 2009
Op-ed by Knox van Nagell

Best estimates say that an additional 60,000 people will call Lexington home by 2030.

So one of the central questions facing our community is not if we grow, but how we grow—and can we do it in a way that positions our built, natural and social environments for success in today’s rapidly changing world?

National and local market studies shed light on this complex issue. Our demographics are changing along with our housing preferences — determining how our community will look and function in the future. The single-family detached home in the ‘burbs has become less and less the housing unit of choice, when other options are available and affordable.

This summer, the Lexington-Fayette County Government completed — with the help of several national and local real-estate planning firms — a housing market study that identified our demographic trends, available land for development and preferred housing types and needs over the next 20 years…Click here to download Knox’s editorial on the Housing MarketStudy.

For More Information,

Capacity & The Need for an Innovative Growth Strategy