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Matrix Survey Finds 70% of Lexingtonians Oppose Expanding the Urban Services Boundary for Development

Lexington is known for its urban and rural balance, and one recurring issue in Lexington is whether or not to expand the urban service area to include more rural land for future growth needs.

In recent years, Lexington has pursued a general policy in which development is encouraged within the existing urban service area instead of expanding the service area outward. The Matrix Group asked respondents how much they agree with this policy.

Seventy percent of respondents agree that development should be encouraged within the existing urban service area instead of expanding the boundary outward.

The Matrix Group recently administered a community survey to discover how Lexingtonians’ perceptions of our quality of life have been affected by the major changes to our community’s development, infrastructure, local politics, night-life, etc. Some of the questions they posed include: What do Lexingtonians think about the area’s quality of life? What are the good things and the bad things about life here in our little corner of the world? What improvements would make Lexington even better in the future?

The Matrix Group has periodically surveyed Lexington citizens on this topic over the years, because, as researchers, they know that what people think is just as important, if not more important, than other measures when assessing quality of life.

It turns out that people think Lexington is a pretty great place to live overall.

View the survey results.