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Theme A of the 2018 Comprehensive Plan: Growing Successful Neighborhoods

Phase 2 of the 2018 update to the city’s Comprehensive Plan is in full swing. During Phase 2, the specific implementation items necessary to accomplish the overarching Goals & Objectives are drafted. For more information on Phase 2 and to view the adopted 2018 Goals and Objectives, please click here.

On March 15 and March 29, the Planning Staff presented their recommendations to the Planning Commission on the first section of the Comp Plan, “Growing Successful Neighborhoods.” A draft of all the recommendations will be made available for public review and comment in the Fall. Fayette Alliance will not issue an official position statement until after the full draft is available. However, we want to keep you informed as the update process proceeds.

“Growing Successful Neighborhoods” addresses strategies to meet our housing needs that enhance existing neighborhoods and prioritize creating housing based on our most urgent needs: housing for seniors, young professionals, working families, and low-income citizens.

As with the Goals & Objectives, the Staff’s recommendations on “Growing Successful Neighborhoods” are innovative, based on sound planning principals, and responsive to the needs and desires of the community. For the first time, the recommendations seek to incorporate the concept of equity as a central pillar in the Comprehensive Plan. We applaud the Planning Staff for promoting equitable development to ensure our city works for all our citizens.

View Presentation on Recommendations View Full Recommendations

The next Comp Plan work session is scheduled for Thursday, April 19 at 1:30. The Staff will present their recommendations on “Protecting the Environment.” The work sessions are open to the public and held in the Phoenix Building (101 E. Vine Street).