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The Fayette Alliance Successfully Opposes RV Park at Board of Adjustment

RV Park

On June 24th, The Fayette Alliance joined the LFUCG Planning Staff in opposing a temporary R.V. Park on property located at 2215 Mary Fay Place and 1201 Providence Place Parkway. The proposal included the construction of 100 R.V. parking sites—approximately 30’ feet wide—on the property, complete with necessary graveling, etc. The R.V. park would be used during the World Equestrian Games.
The property is zoned “Economic Development” (E.D.)–which is intended to promote land-uses that create jobs and incubate business. For instance, allowed uses in this zone include offices, research development and testing laboratories, a variety of industrial/manufacturing/and related uses, medial services, and academic schools and institutions.
The Board of Adjustment DENIED the application, for two main reasons:
1. An R.V. park is not a permitted use in the Economic Development Zone. The supply of “Economic Development” land is limited in Fayette County, and an R.V. park does not fulfill the critical economic development needs of the community nor the intended goals of the ED zone.
2. To allow an R.V. park on the property—despite its related ED zoning—would jeopardize the public health, safety, and welfare of the community. The application provided no reasons for why an R.V. Park should be a permitted in the E.D. zone, and it did not detail how essential services—such as electric, sewage, and potable water—would be provided for users of the R.V. park.

While the 2010 W.E.G. is an incredible opportunity for our community, we must accommodate the transportation and housing needs of event within what’s legally allowed in our zoning ordinance. To do otherwise, hangs the well-being of Lexington-Fayette County in the balance.

To learn more and read the Alliance’s official position statement, click here.