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Capacity Assurance Program Talks Underway

Schedule for CAP Implementation Released:

Last CAP Task Force Meeting……………………….. Sept. 20, 2012
Draft CAP Plan presented at Council Work Session…. Oct. 16th, Nov. 13th, Dec. 4th, 2012
CAP Plan Submitted to EPA…………………………. Jan. 3, 2013
Earliest date CAP Implementation could commence… Feb. 3, 2013
Full CAP Implementation……………………………. July 3, 2013

 LFUCG Capacity Assurance Program website will be launched soon.
Check back periodically for updates.

Lexington’s Land Use Map

Under the EPA Consent Decree, the city of Lexington must adopt and implement a “Capacity Assurance Program. Basically, it will require that adequate sewer capacity exist in our system (sewer lines, treatment plants, etc.) BEFORE a new sewer “tap-on” or development is allowed in Lexington. The idea is to ensure that the sewer system can handle and adequately treat the waste generated by old and new development. This has been a problem for Lexington in the past–thanks to our old sewer system, storm water filtration issues, and inconsistent oversight.

LFUCG is working through the ins and outs of establishing the “Capacity Assurance Program”–which will be completed by the close of 2012. Click here for more details. (the CAP presentations). This is a big deal, and will impact how Lexington grows moving forward. The Fayette Alliance, along with several other community stakeholders, are engaged in this process and we’ll update you of all progress here at

Responsible development will help avoid environmental mistakes of the past

Op-Ed, 8.14.12,

Clean water will be worth the price

In 2006 the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency sued Lexington for violations of the Clean Water Act. A combination of aged decaying infrastructure and poorly planned development had given us flooding and raw sewage backing up in basements and overflowing into streets and streams.

Now, almost six years later, the city has made enormous progress: We’ve reached an agreement with the EPA to fix our problems, assessed a significant monthly fee on local water users to pay for the work and begun to make many of the necessary improvements.

An essential part of our agreement with the EPA is improving planning for development in Lexington, so that we know our sewer system has the capacity to handle any added development before a building permit is issued…Read more at

Learn More,

Capacity Assurance Program Development Decision Matrix

Sanitary Sewer System Capacity Assurance Program (CAP) Meeting Agenda, 9.20.2012

Sanitary Sewer System Capacity Assurance Program (CAP) Presentation, 9.20.2012

Sanitary Sewer System Capacity Assurance Program (CAP) Presentation, 09.06.2012

Sanitary Sewer System Capacity Assurance Program (CAP) Presentation, 08.07.2012

Sanitary Sewer System Capacity Assurance Program (CAP) Presentation, 06.28.2012

Sanitary Sewer System Capacity Assurance Program (CAP) Presentation, 06.14.2012