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Downtown Design Task Force Making Progress

Lexington | Photo by Jeff Rogers,

Over the past several weeks, the LFUCG downtown design taskforce has met regularly to discuss the vision and attributes of Lexington’s urban core. Members include interested citizens, developers, architects, neighborhood advocates, planning professionals, and elected officials.

The group continues to tackle a central question facing our community “how do we promote design excellence” downtown– so it remains a special, viable, human-scale destination for Lexingtonians and visitors alike.

Once a vision is determined, various design tools may be recommended to accomplish a downtown we can all be proud of. It is likely this discussion will continue in the months to come- so let us know what you think, and we’ll pass it on to the group! You can email us at

Once complete, the group will report its recommendations to the Council for consideration and potential adoption. We’ll keep you posted at

Read more about the Downtown Design Guideline and Form Based Codes Taskforce.