The Fayette Alliance’s FY 2011 Budget Request
On Thursday, June 23rd Council adopted the FY 2011 Budget, which begins July 1, 2010. Council approved our request for continued funding of the PDR program, which is matched by $2 million from the federal government. However, Council did not approve funding for the research and implementation of downtown design guidelines and form-based codes, or a Land Bank and Vacant Land Commission.
The Fayette Alliance will continue to promote these essential policies at government on behalf of the community. Stay involved by signing up for our news updates and action alerts.
More about The Fayette Alliance’s FY 2011 Budget Request,

Farmland and Sprawl
The Purchase of Development Rights (PDR) program. It has accomplished incredible results with limited funds in a short period of time, including protecting over 24,000 acres of prime Bluegrass farmland in just 10 years. PDR is a beacon of LFUCG, Lexington-Fayette County, and the state of Kentucky—as noted in August 2009’s respected Planning Magazine, and countless other sources. PDR funding will be matched by state and federal funding resulting in twice the money for half the price in farmland conservation. PDR significantly contributes to Lexington’s economic development strategies by protecting the factory floor of our $3 billion signature industries, thousands of local jobs, renowned international brand—which makes Fayette County “The Horse Capital of the World” attractive to agricultural investors and knowledge-based professionals alike. Also, farmland pays for itself and then some—as they generate more revenue on the dollar for the city, than they demand in costly city services—a net gain of 7 cents to be exact. This money goes into LFUCG coffers to pay for trash, fire, police, and other essential services that benefit all of us.

Infill redevelopment through a Land Bank and Vacant Land Commission. They are essential tools to redevelop and revitalize otherwise blighted, undevelopable, and under-used urban properties, as Louisville and other progressive cities have demonstrated. Vacant properties are a financial drain on the community. With a potential 12,000 acres of land inside Lexington available for infill redevelopment projects, our city is on the brink of a remarkable opportunity.

Downtown design guidelines and form-based codes. They are needed so development in our urban core will occur without destroying what makes the built environment unique—assuring both investors and community advocates of its benefits. As demonstrated by downtown’s recent Centre Pointe and CVS pharmacy controversies, a universal, objective, and efficient regulatory framework is needed to govern the character and “envelope” of new buildings constructed in Lexington’s downtown. The time to act is now. Without a design framework in place, downtown—and the community at-large—will continue to undercut its potential with controversy and mediocrity.
Please view the links below for more information on these issues.
The Fayette Alliance Public Comment
Downtown Design Guideline Presentation
“Lexington council approves 2011 budget that dips into rainy-day fund: Plan Includes selling land, using reserve fund”, Beverly Fortune 6.25.10
“PDR Funding Deserves Approval” Op-Ed Margaret Graves & Frank Penn 6.12.10
“New project plan, little city planning: CentrePointe or not, design rules urgent” Op-Ed 6.11.10
“Lexington planners take first step toward design standards” Beverly Fortune 5.28.10