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2015 LFUCG Budget


On June 10th, City Council voted to approve several changes to the FY 2015 budget, including increasing funding for several important rural and urban projects. Following these changes City Council fully adopted the budget unanimously on Thursday, June 19th. The new budget will go into effect on July 1st, 2014.

The newly updated budget includes all of Fayette Alliance’s recommendations. Here are some highlights from our position statement:

  • A $2 million local-match for the Purchase of Development Rights Program, which will preserve our iconic Bluegrass farmland and promote the “factory floor” of Fayette County’s signature $2.4 billion agricultural industry.
  • A $20,000 allocation to finance the Neighborhood Information Management System (NIMS). This computer database will track crime, LexCall service, code enforcement, and building permits in neighborhoods surrounding the University of Kentucky campus. Such information will be instrumental in assessing challenges and opportunities in town/gown areas; promote collaboration between U.K. and the city of Lexington; and inform land use policies moving forward.
  • A $100,000 bond allocation to complete the renovation of the Kentucky Theatre, which is a community icon that contributes to Lexington’s civic pride and character.
  • Nearly $1 million in allocations to maintain greenways and improve parks in our neighborhoods, which are essential in advancing Lexington’s unique sense of community and quality of life.

We appreciate council’s key leadership in adopting the FY 2015 Budget.

Read our complete position statement