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Cardinal Valley and Armstrong Mill Small Area Plans

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Armstrong Mill Small Area Plan Map


On April 30th, the Planning Commission approved both small area plans as amendments to the 2013 Comp Plan.  LFUCG Urban County Council will vote to determine funding for the implementation projects. 

What are small area plans? 

Small area plans are high-level planning documents that address challenges and opportunities facing certain neighborhoods. Once adopted, they inform future zone changes, infrastructure investments, and development in targeted, usually distressed areas throughout the city.

With Lexington looking at ways to efficiently and sustainably grow “up not out”, these small area plans are critical to achieving a win-win for the neighborhoods in question, and community at large.

We Support the Cardinal Valley & Armstrong Mill Small Area Plans

In furtherance of our  mission to grow our city and promote our farms in Lexington, Fayette Alliance supports the proposed Cardinal Valley and Armstrong Mill Small Area Plans.

The Plans effectively identify challenges and opportunities facing the Cardinal Valley and Armstrong Mill neighborhoods, making recommendations that will shape future development in these culturally diverse and unique suburban areas of Lexington.

A need to increase home ownership yet maintain affordability; improved stewardship of natural areas and campuses; the need for additional multi-modal transportation, trail and walking facilities; expanding access to library, wellness, and other essential services; and strengthening burgeoning retail hubs are just some of the policy goals shared by the Cardinal Valley and Armstrong Mill small area plans.

These plans are compelling case studies that highlight the need to promote growth in existing suburbs in a way that improves their quality of life, while accommodating Lexington’s future development needs. This is an incredibly complex undertaking, that if done right, can create a win-win for distressed neighborhoods and the community at large.

To learn more about this issue, read our full position statement and/or check out the complete plans:

Read the Complete Plans