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Tag: Rural

Mahan Farms

MAHAN FARMS IS AN 850 ACRE GENERAL AGRICULTURE OPERATION located on Russell Cave Road in Northern Fayette County. Mahan Farms is characterized by fertile soils and rolling pastures, giving rise to beautiful landscapes and diverse agricultural enterprises. Mahan Farms raises tobacco, alfalfa hay, corn, soybean, and wheat. In addition, is home to a successful Bluegrass...

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Cobra Farm

Cobra Farm is owned by Gary and Betty Biszantz; they purchased the original 82 acre farm 12 years ago and now have 340 acres after buying two adjoining farms. This is a Thoroughbred operation that is home to approximately 80 horses and 20 employees year round. The Biszantz’s are from southern California and spend approximately...

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Castleton Lyons Farm

IN 1793, A VIRGINIAN BY THE NAME OF JOHN BRECKINRIDGE bought 2,467 acres of prime Kentucky farmland. He named the farm, which would later become known as Castleton, “Cabell’s Dale.” Breckinridge was a dedicated thoroughbred breeder who would himself go on to become a United States Senator and to serve as Attorney General in the...

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North Cleveland Road Scenic Byway Application

In spring 2008, the Bluegrass Conservancy submitted an application to the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet to designate North Cleveland Road a Scenic Byway. A Scenic Byway is  an honorary designation that celebrates an area’s scenic, natural, cultural, and historic resources. North Cleveland Road is located in the Eastern part of Fayette County in the Rural Service...

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House Bill 447

In the Kentucky General Assembly spring 2008 legislative session, House Representative Susan Westrom-Lexington, sponsored House Bill 447 which sought to prohibit local governments and planning commissions from requiring affordable housing in residential developments. While the Fayette Alliance currently supports incentive based strategies to achieve affordable housing, the Alliance opposed House Bill 447 because it undermined...

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Kingston Hall Unit-2

East Bridgeford Land and Development Company developed property at 2356 Newtown Pike without securing a final approved development plan for the site. Such activity is the genesis of unintended environmental, infrastructural, and safety consequences for the community. The Planning Commission is looking at ways to address the problem.  View the Fayette Alliance’s position statement.  View...

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Healthway Trail System

On July 12th 2007, the Metropolitan Planning Organization released a Bicycle and Pedestrian Masterplan for Jessamine and Fayette Counties. The plan endorses the Healthway Trail System-a system of off-road trails in the North-South and East-West Corridors of the inner Bluegrass Region. This Healthway Trail System will encourage bicycle and pedestrian activities in Fayette County. For...

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Headley-Whitney Museum Zone Change

Headley Whitney Museum ultimately dropped its zone change application that would have allowed museums in the Agricultural-Rural Zone.  View the Fayette Alliance’s position statement.

Quest Church Zone Change

The LFUCG Council denied Quest Church’s zone change that would have allowed it to build a 90,000 square foot worship facility next to Mill Ridge Farm.  View Fayette Alliance’s position statement.