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We Support 21c Museum Hotel’s Loan Request

On Thursday, June 5th 2014, City Council voted to accept the $6 million Section 108 HUD Loan for the 21C Museum Hotel development.
A special thanks to all of our supporters who wrote to council and came to meeting to show their support of this funding.

Join us in support of 21C Museum Hotel’s Loan Application!

6 pm at LFUCG City Council Chamber
200 East Main St.
Lexington, KY 40507

If you support this development, please come to tonight’s City Council hearing.

The 21c museum-hotel project represents a $43.3 million investment in the heart of downtown Lexington that will adaptively re-use our iconic First National Building to provide a boutique hotel, gourmet restaurant, and art museum experience for locals and visitors alike.

In 2012, the Council approved the 21c TIF and related incentives package for the development. However, several unanticipated structural issues arose at that time—stalling the project. After extensive study and re-calibration, 21c is ready to begin construction next month—provided the Council re-approves the Section 108 HUD loan component of the financing package. Without Section 108 financing, 21c Lexington will not move forward.

Read our position statement  Read our public comments

See the 21c presentation