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Fayette Alliance Statement on Racism

We at Fayette Alliance stand in solidarity with the Black community, with those fighting for justice and equality, and against racism in all of its forms. We believe Black Lives Matter. We pride ourselves on responsibly growing our city and promoting our farms, and we acknowledge that deeply rooted in the institutions this work involves are systemic, institutionalized racism and discrimination. 

Moving forward, we commit to using our voice at Fayette Alliance to grow our city in a way that is not only responsible, but equitable and inclusive; acknowledging that land use and housing polices, in particular, are historically ingrained with prejudice. We commit to highlighting, supporting and learning from the BIPOC (black, indigenous, people of color) community that built the agricultural foundation so integral to Lexington-Fayette County’s success but which most often goes unrecognized, unheard, and unsupported. 

We commit to exploring what other changes we can make within our organization, our programming, and our advocacy to better reflect the values we hold and the makeup of our community. We commit to listening, learning, and adapting as we do. We commit to doing better, for it will take each of us and all of us to create the change we need.