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SRA 2019-2: Amendment to Article 1 and Article 6: Stub Street Signs

Planning Commission has initiated a request for a ZOTA to amend the subdivision regulations regarding the definition of a “stub street sign” and the location and responsibility of the said signs. The intent of the ZOTA is to clarify for and inform the general public when a street is not considered a dead end street and is planned for future extension or connections.

Fayette Alliance applauds the staff for this effort at citizen education and transparency. No official position statement has been released on this matter yet and official language from Planning Staff is still being finalized. This matter is scheduled for a public hearing on Thursday, November 14th, 2019 at 1:30pm in the 2nd floor Council Chambers, LFUCG Government Center Building, 200 East Main Street, Lexington, KY.

Read Proposed Language