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Rural Land Management Plan Updated for First Time Since Adoption

Fayette County is defined by the balance between our vibrant city and productive Bluegrass farmland. To manage our critical rural assets, the Rural Land Management Plan was adopted in 1999 as an element of the 1996 Comprehensive Plan. This groundbreaking document was the first extensive effort dedicated to the management of land uses in Fayette County’s rural area.

The 1999 Plan presented the case for the preservation of our rural land and set forth many important polices to help ensure the continued viability and strength of our signature agricultural industries.

Among other policies, the 1999 Plan recommended the following:

  • Increase minimum lot size in rural area from 10 to 40 acres
  • Creation of land use categories based on a comprehensive land capability analysis
  • Creation of the Purchase of Development Rights program to ensure preservation of the best agricultural land for future agricultural uses

The 2017 update to the Rural Land Management Plan does not recommend any major policy changes. Rather, the updated Plan evidences the centrality of our rural assets to our economy, quality of life, cultural identity and brand. The Plan reinforces the need to continue to carefully manage our significant and unique rural assets.

We are proud to have been a part of the update process and applaud the hard work of the Planning Staff and steering committee members.

View Updated Rural Land Management Plan