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Rural Community Actively Supports Responsible Public Access to Farms

Fayette County Horse | Photo by Jeff Rogers |

Horse farms mix business and tourism

by John Phillips, 4.29.13,

Most horse farm owners love what they do and where they do it, and understand the community’s desire to experience it.

Yet, despite efforts to share what they can when they can, horse farms regularly get castigated, as most recently exemplified in Van Meter Pettit’s commentary, for being closed off and inaccessible. “You are not welcome to cross the fence” as he put it.

Surely Pettit does not mean to suggest that people should be allowed to wander onto farms, drive or bike around, and hike through paddocks without safeguards and supervision? That has liability and danger to animals, people and businesses written all over it. Unfettered access can’t be expected, any more than one would expect to wander through the Georgetown Toyota plant on his own and at his leisure…Read more at