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Phase 2 of 2018 Comprehensive Plan Update Nearing Completion

Every five years, the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government updates the city’s Comprehensive Plan, which provides the blueprint for how our city grows.

After over two years of hard work, the 2018 update to the comprehensive plan entitled Imagine Lexington is nearing completion. The first phase of the update was completed at the end of 2017 with the Council’s adoption of the overarching Goals & Objectives that provide the framework for Lexington’s long-range growth.

Phase 2 of the process gets down into the details and provides the action items necessary to achieve the Goals & Objectives. The city’s Planning Staff have presented their recommendations on the specific thematic areas of Imagine Lexington throughout the year, and the complete text of Imagine Lexington is now available.

Complete Text of Imagine Lexington

The policies designed to implement the vision laid out in the Goals & Objectives comprehensively address the fundamental growth issues facing our community. Housing, design guidelines, corridor redevelopment, parks and greenspaces, environmental stewardship, farmland preservation, economic development, and transportation are some of the critical issues prioritized in Imagine Lexington.

Fayette Alliance has been centrally involved throughout the process. Imagine Lexington re-affirms our community’s commitment to smart growth.

Fayette Alliance supports the majority of the recommendations in the Draft, as the policies and strategies contained therein employ innovative, smart, tested planning principals that take a long view, and directly address the implications of our changing demographic, economic, and transportation landscapes. Importantly, the policies seek to maintain the critical balance between our increasingly vibrant city and productive Bluegrass farmland.

Imagine Lexington contains a new innovative tool called Placebuilder. Placebuilder is designed to be a framework for applicants, stakeholders, Planning staff, the Planning Commission, and Council to evaluate whether or not development proposals are in agreement with the Comprehensive Plan. The intent of Placebuilder is to provide clarity, transparency, and consistency to the city’s evaluation of development plans.
Following the December 10th public hearing, the staff has proposed amendments to address concerns with this new tool. Additionally, the staff has scheduled focus group work sessions to educate the development community, neighborhoods, and other stakeholders on Placebuilder.
A final draft of the entire Comprehensive Plan, including Placebuilder, should be available mid-January, with a final vote at the end of January. We are very close, and we applaud the staff for the taking the time to address our concerns and the concerns of other stakeholders.

The Planning Staff has worked tirelessly throughout the process. More objective research and public input has informed this Comprehensive Plan than any other. Our community is fortunate to be served by such talented and devoted professionals, and we thank them. Likewise, we applaud the Planning Commission for its hard work and commitment to the long-range success
of our community.

Read Fayette Alliance Position Statement

A public hearing before the Planning Commission on the complete draft will be held Monday, December 10th at 6 PM in Council Chambers at the Government Center (200 E. Main Street). A final vote by the Planning Commission could be held at the Thursday, December 13th Planning Commission meeting at 1:30 PM also in Council Chambers. These meetings are open to the