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Mahan Farms

Mahan Farms

Mahan Farms

MAHAN FARMS IS AN 850 ACRE GENERAL AGRICULTURE OPERATION located on Russell Cave Road in Northern Fayette County. Mahan Farms is characterized by fertile soils and rolling pastures, giving rise to beautiful landscapes and diverse agricultural enterprises.

Mahan Farms raises tobacco, alfalfa hay, corn, soybean, and wheat. In addition, is home to a successful Bluegrass and Fescue sod business, a large beef cattle herd, and an equine boarding operation.

In short, Mahan farms does it all and does it well. In 2006, American Farm Bureau awarded John Mahan and his wife, Jill, the national award for “Outstanding Young Farmer” in the United States. Without question, Mahan Farms successfully symbolizes the depth and range of Fayette County agriculture.