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Jacob Glancy- 2018 Candidate Questionnaire

Running for: Urban County Council- District 9

Short Bio:

Hi, i’m Jacob Glancy. I filed to run for Urban County Council for Lexington’s 9th District. I have lived on the south side of Lexington all of my life and recently moved to Stonewall with my wife and two young children. I am a family man, business man and neighbor. This district deserves a fresh perspective on the council that promotes economic liberty, job growth, and financial stability.

1. Do you support prioritizing infill/redevelopment as Lexington’s primary growth strategy? Under what circumstances would you support expansion of the Urban Services Boundary or Rural Activity Centers?

This is yet another issue that has become unnecessarily polarizing. We need to work together to come up with common sense solutions that respect and utilize the land we already posses while incorporating free market growth.

2. What specific recommendations do you have to protect the character and context of existing neighborhoods while diversifying our housing stock to meet the needs of our community?

We truly have a defined issue with affordable housing, especially in south Lexington. I am of the belief that every one of our citizens should be well equipped to live in our county. This can be done by getting government and abusive regulation off the backs of the housing sector. Our diversity is one of the most beautiful pieces of our society. I believe our policies will create a better way of life for us all.

3. What specific recommendations do you have to address Lexington’s affordable housing issue?

As I stated earlier, abusive government regulation hurts diversity and the ability of all people to live where they wish. I will address affordable housing by advocating for a vibrant economy to increase home purchasing power and rental availability to all.

4. The number of households headed by someone aged 65 or older is projected to increase significantly over the next decade and beyond. What specific recommendations do you have to meet the needs of our growing senior population?

Many of the folks in my district are on fixed income. Medicare and Medicaid recipients are among them. People like this cannot afford the high property taxes and general costs of living imposed by past leadership. I will fight for more reasonable programs to respect the current financial situation of our aging population.

5. Do you support an annual funding allocation for Lexington’s Purchase of Development Rights Program (PDR)? Please list your specific ideas to support the continued strength and growth of our agricultural and tourism industries. 

I do not support PDR. Tens of millions of taxpayer dollars are spent by the Fayette county government annually to subsidize wealthy horse farm owners to sit on their land. The government is subsidizing the rich off the backs of the middle class. The government should, under no circumstances, be able to use tax dollars to take control of land and remove it from being developed by the free market. Many of these farms are owned by nonresidents of Kentucky. Some aren’t even owned by citizens of the United States. This program will make it much more difficult to recruit new businesses to Lexington because we have a limited amount of land that can be developed.
The best way to enhance tourism is to invest in our beautiful city parks and historical places. Lexington is a beautiful community and we can continue to make it better.

6. Citizens have noted frustration with traffic congestion. What are your specific ideas to address traffic congestion? 

There are affordable common sense solutions. If Lexington government would be serious about developing our land in a resourceful matter, we could expand our roadways.

7. The 2018 Comprehensive Plan for Lexington includes a goal to create “a new process for determining long-term land use decisions” involving the Urban Services Boundary and Rural Activity Centers. If you support the creation of this new process, what are some of the elements that should be included? 

Did not respond.

8. What is the biggest challenge facing your district? What are your specific recommendations to address that challenge?

The concerns we have regarding public safety and fiscal responsibility have largely been ignored downtown. I am running to simply represent my friends and neighbors. Lexington deserves a government that works for them.