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Imagine Nicholasville Road Planning Commission Public Hearing

Imagine Nicholasville Road represents a transformative transit and development plan that was adopted into the 2018 Comprehensive Plan, Imagine Lexington after unanimous approval by the Planning Commission on May 20, 2021.

It is the first analysis of a major corridor as recommended by the 2018 Comp Plan, and includes an action plan to guide utilization of existing land for innovative infill and redevelopment, increase safety, walkability, and connectivity of diverse transit modes and future development, and encourage increased economic development. The plan includes updates that increase quality of life, transportation equity, access, housing options, safety and lay the foundation for community success and smart, sustainable growth in Lexington.

The plan includes:

  • Intersection improvements
  • Plans for Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) and Complete Streets
  • Guidelines for future redevelopment of large parking lots and underutilized shopping centers
  • Dedicated bike and pedestrian facilities and more

Fayette Alliance submitted a position statement for the public record in support of Imagine Nicholasville Road prior to the May public hearing.

Read Position Statement

View Imagine Nicholasville Road

Contact Council!

We need you to let your Councilmember know you support Imagine Nicholasville Road and its implementation! Here’s a draft email to get you started:

“Hello __________,

I’m [YOUR NAME] from District [YOUR DISTRICT NUMBER]. I’m writing to you in support of the Imagine Nicholasville Road plan. This vision to improve safety and efficiency for all types of transportation on one of our major corridors will be transformative for our community. Providing more transportation options and a variety of housing types, especially in underutilized areas like shopping centers, is key to helping us achieve sustainable and equitable growth.

I support the plan because [WHY YOU SUPPORT/HOW IT WILL IMPACT YOUR LIFE]. I encourage you to support the plan when you are given the opportunity.



Councilmembers and email addresses:

Vice Mayor Steve Kay –
Council-At-Large, Richard Maloney-
Council-At-Large, Chuck Ellinger, II-
District 1 Councilmember James Brown –
District 2 Councilmember Josh McCurn –
District 3 Councilmember Hannah LeGris –
District 4 Councilmember Susan Lamb –
District 5 Councilmember Liz Sheehan –
District 6 Councilmember David Kloiber –
District 7 Councilmember Preston Worley –
District 8 Councilmember Fred Brown –
District 9 Councilmember Whitney Baxter –
District 10 Councilmember Amanda Mays Bledsoe –
District 11 Councilmember Jennifer Reynolds –
District 12 Councilmember Kathy Plomin –