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Fayette County Bluegrass is Factory-Floor of Important Equine “Economic Cluster”

Horse on Fayette County Farm | Photo Courtesy of Jeff Rogers,

Horse on Fayette County Farm | Photo Courtesy of Jeff Rogers,

Fayette County agriculture and agritourism have a $3 billion impact on the regional economy. Learn more. Our farmland is the factory floor of an incredibly important economic enterprise and international “Bluegrass” brand.

Its presence not only makes smart economic sense, but anchors our unique cultural identity, quality of life, environmental well-being and heritage. Our farms are a big deal. If protected and advanced, they will play a vital role in both community and economic development…by retaining and recruiting the brightest professionals in America, while acting as a major driver of our regional economy and natural environment. Read more about the equine cluster and its opportunities here.
Our equine industry, agricultural enterprises, local food systems, and greenspaces are critical components to achieving a sustainable Lexington that benefits all of us. The Fayette Alliance remains steadfastly dedicated to promoting and preserving our unique rural landscape, and signature industries in Fayette County, and we’ll keep you of  all progress here at Let us know how we can leverage our greatest natural asset–our farmland.