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Distillery District Text Amendment

The Fayette Alliance supported the adaptive reuse text amendment that will allow adaptive reuse projects in the B-4 (Wholesale &Warehouse Business), I-1 (Light Industrial), and I-2 (Heavy Industrial) zones within the LFUCG Infill Redevelopment Boundary in downtown Lexington.

Adaptive Reuse projects use abandoned, vacant, or underutilized structures for new purposes, such as loft apartments, boutique hotels, offices, restaurants, and shops. By bringing buildings back to life, adaptive reuse projects revitalize neighborhoods by preserving historic architecture, creating new housing and mixed use opportunities, and increasing public safety

Ultimately, the Planning Commission and Council approved the zone change, affecting over a dozen significant downtown properties including those along the Manchester Street corridor that comprise the $190 million Distillery District project.

 View the Alliance’s position statement.