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City’s Greenspace Survey Confirms Lexingtonians Value Greenspaces, Farmland

As part of the 2018 Comprehensive Plan update, the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government conducted a survey to assess the community’s attitudes about greenspaces.

Highlights from the Survey include the following:

  • 72% of respondents favor no expansion of the Urban Services Boundary; 12% favor expansion; 16% don’t know
  • 81% of respondents support using public funds to permanently protect 50,000 acres in the rural area for agriculture, food security, and environmental protection
  • The types of greenspaces rated highest in importance by respondents are:
    • Open land (84%)
    • Nature park or sanctuary (83%)
    • Neighborhood and park trail (83%)
    • Farms and scenic rural roads (80%)
  • 92% of respondents feel developers should be responsible for greenspace creation as basic infrastructure

The Greenspace Survey provided important public input to city leaders about the importance our community places on parks, farmland, trails, and other greenspaces.

For more information on the survey methodology and to read results check out the Survey:

View Greenspace Survey