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Bill Farmer, Jr.- 2018 Candidate Questionnaire

Running for: Urban County Council- District 5

Short Bio:

Native Lexingtonian and current incumbent running for reelection.

1. Do you support prioritizing infill/redevelopment as Lexington’s primary growth strategy? Under what circumstances would you support expansion of the Urban Services Boundary or Rural Activity Centers?

I do not support a single strategy answer. I would not expand Rural Activity Centers & would consider boundary revisions only after the new study is complete and vetted.

2. What specific recommendations do you have to protect the character and context of existing neighborhoods while diversifying our housing stock to meet the needs of our community?

To me that is the upcoming work product of the Neighborhoods in Transition Taskforce that I am a part of. I will support a balanced approach in each neighborhood.

3. What specific recommendations do you have to address Lexington’s affordable housing issue?

Continued funding for both Affordable Housing and Homelessness is essential. Studying those populations will provide further insight and actions.

4. The number of households headed by someone aged 65 or older is projected to increase significantly over the next decade and beyond. What specific recommendations do you have to meet the needs of our growing senior population?

Making more housing choices available for aging populations needs to be a focus & again every neighborhood needs to be a part of the answer.

5. Do you support an annual funding allocation for Lexington’s Purchase of Development Rights Program (PDR)? Please list your specific ideas to support the continued strength and growth of our agricultural and tourism industries. 


6. Citizens have noted frustration with traffic congestion. What are your specific ideas to address traffic congestion? 

As soon as possible we need to embrace and employ intelligent driving technology.

7. The 2018 Comprehensive Plan for Lexington includes a goal to create “a new process for determining long-term land use decisions” involving the Urban Services Boundary and Rural Activity Centers. If you support the creation of this new process, what are some of the elements that should be included? 


8. What is the biggest challenge facing your district? What are your specific recommendations to address that challenge?

Traffic as stated. Crime/Security as we continue to budget for prevention. Infill awareness and hopefully acceptance.